Veterinary professionals

Our commitment to veterinary science and respect for the human-animal relationship goes far beyond our day-to-day services. We are collaborators, partners, and colleagues in reaching across the veterinary sector and beyond to share our learning for everyone to benefit.

How we can help you

We strive to move the whole veterinary world forward through innovation, integrity, and exchanging knowledge with both human and veterinary professionals. Our team supports our referring primary care vets through collaboration, helping the whole sector to be as good as it can be for every animal.

Fitzpatrick Referrals Neurology Service team in action

Always here

We’re here around the clock, seven days a week, 365 days a year to provide you with the best possible service. We have an emergency response team for trauma, brain and spinal cases requiring immediate attention.

Advice for your patients

Our clinicians can advise vets about a patient, simply call or email us with a full clinical history:

[email protected] for orthopaedic, neurology, dentistry and rehabilitation cases.

We also provide a free radiograph reporting service to support vets in the south of England.

Our unique services

We are continually setting new standards in surgical techniques and are committed to making the science behind what we do accessible to the veterinary profession.

We are innovative and determined to deliver the best for every animal and their family. This does not make us exclusive or elite.



See our price guide for our orthopaedic and neurology services. If you would like an estimate for a procedure not on the list, please call to discuss.

Initial orthopaedic consultation£336
Repeat orthopaedic consultation£125
Initial neurological consultation£336
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Veterinary professionals – register to refer patients quickly and efficiently, and view your referral history.

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Internship programmes

Fitzpatrick Referrals’ internship positions are available at our world-class referral centre near Godalming in Surrey, specialising in orthopaedics, neurology and dentistry.

Interns are pivotal in our care team and play a key role within the clinical care team, having daily involvement in routine and cutting-edge surgery, and a structured programme of teaching to help augment clinical learning.

Veterinary intern holding cat on table whilst vet takes CFS sample

Radiograph reporting service

A free service to support our local general practice vets in managing orthopaedic, neurological and dental cases efficiently and providing the highest level of care for your patients.

Extra-mural studies (EMS) for veterinary students

For vet students in their fourth or final year of clinical studies. Gain two weeks of experience working in a hospital dedicated to orthopaedics and neurology, including daily surgeries, anaesthesia and advanced diagnostic imaging.

CPD for veterinary professionals

Our Partners in Care lectures provide veterinary professionals with high-quality and relevant CPD with our specialists throughout the year. Covering a range of topics, we design the lectures for vets, vet nurses and rehabilitation professionals.

Research centre

We bring together all of the research papers and studies carried out by the clinicians who work at Fitzpatrick Referrals.



Here are some of the common questions we receive at Fitzpatrick Referrals – if your question is not answered, please get in touch and we will be happy to help!

What areas does Fitzpatrick Referrals specialise in?

Fitzpatrick Referrals offers services to treat conditions within the areas of orthopaedics, neurology, dentistry, rehabilitation and regenerative medicine.

Does Fitzpatrick Referrals treat or see animals with problems in other areas such as cardiology or ophthalmology?

We do not offer services other than what we have detailed on our website. We have clinicians that are specialists in the field of orthopaedics, neurology, dentistry, rehabilitation and regenerative medicine in small animals and therefore are not suitably qualified to receive or treat companion animals that have other conditions outside our remit of expertise.