Augmentation of patellar tendon rupture with an internal brace technique in a dog

Publication date 20th March 2025
Authors Bruce Thompson, Chris Webb, Marius Brataas Stordalen, James W. Guthrie


First reported use of an internal brace technique to augment the primary repair of a complete patellar tendon rupture in a dog.

A labrador retriever suffered a traumatic laceration over the insertion of the patellar tendon. Following the primary repair of the tendon, the repair was augmented with an internal brace technique using suture tape through a transverse mid-body patella tunnel. The suture tape strands ran down the medial and lateral sides of the patellar tendon and were secured on either side of the tibial tuberosity with PEEK knotless anchors. A transarticular external skeletal fixator was applied for 4 weeks. Follow-up ultrasonography tracked progressive healing and maintenance of the integrity of the tendon and suture tape. At 15 weeks after surgery, lameness had resolved, and at 6 and 12 months after surgery, the patient remained free of lameness, based on gait observation.