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Nell’s severe knee cartilage erosion

Sweet six-year-old Nell was referred to us by her local vet after becoming lame on her right hind leg six months earlier and more recent x-ray images showed degenerative changes around her right patella (knee cap).

Investigations and diagnosis

Nell was treated under the care of our orthopaedic service and had further investigations, including a CT scan, which showed she had significant osteoarthritis of the right femoropatellar joint. She then had arthroscopy, a minimally invasive surgical procedure that allows further investigation of the joint, using a nanoscope, which revealed full-thickness cartilage erosion of the patella and femoral groove.

Poor Nell was experiencing significant chronic pain, with every movement she made, bone was rubbing on bone. Nell’s care was transferred to Professor Noel Fitzpatrick and her family opted for a femoral groove replacement.


Professor Noel Fitzpatrick performed surgery to give Nell at FitzPGR, which is a patellar groove replacement custom-made for her based on her own CT scan, to create a new surface for her kneecap to glide on, thus removing her knee pain.

Fitzpatrick Referrals offers unrivalled options in the field of advanced orthopaedics and where an existing solution is not viable, we can provide innovative custom solutions, often providing hope where there was none. Our practice has spearheaded and produced hundreds of custom implants, creating bespoke solutions for patients like Nell, that meet their specific anatomical and surgical needs. Explore our interactive skeletons to see more Fitzpatrick Referrals implant innovations.


Nell was well cared for by our dedicated round-the-clock team of nurses, vets and veterinary care assistants and was discharged home the next day. Following six weeks of crate rest and lead-only walks, we were delighted to see Nell back for her recheck appointment and so pleased to hear from her family that she’s been doing well at home, with her lameness drastically improved.

Advanced Orthopaedic Nurse comforting a dog at Fitzpatrick Referrals vet hospital
Advanced Orthopaedic Nurse Amelia caring for Nell at her six-week recheck appointment following custom patellar groove replacement surgery at Fitzpatrick Referrals.

12-weeks after surgery, Nell visited us for her final re-check which involved a thorough clinical evaluation, radiographic evaluation (radiographs and a CT scan) and Tekscan, before being signed off by Professor Noel Fitzpatrick who was very happy with Nell’s progress.

It is a really great result for Nell, who has done amazingly well. The magic of surgery to transform lives will always delight me, and I hope reassures more folks that surgical intervention for cases of this nature is not too scary a prospect and can be transformative to quality of life.

Professor Noel Fitzpatrick

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