3 minute read

Holly’s hydrotherapy rehabilitation after spinal surgery

Always lovely to see hydrotherapy regular Holly!

Golden Retriever Holly has visited our hydrotherapy centre for weekly underwater treadmill sessions with Senior Hydrotherapist Amie since March 2020, after she had lumbosacral distraction fusion surgery at Fitzpatrick Referrals in January 2020.

Five years on

Now 17 years and nine months young, she’s doing incredibly well and loves her gentle sessions with our hydrotherapists.

Ideally, elderly patients do well in the pool, where it is controlled weightless exercise, but due to Holly’s condition, swimming can irritate the lumbar sacral area, hence why she is on the underwater treadmill. She is well supported by the high water in the underwater treadmill and is given extra support.

Adapting to Holly’s needs

Amie and our team have adapted how they communicate with her since she lost her hearing and her eyesight isn’t as good, by giving her three taps on her back to let her know when to start walking, along with plenty of rest breaks in between. We take it slow and steady, which she copes with very well. As you can see, she looks very comfortable and content during her visits!

Holly’s Mum couldn’t be more committed to Holly’s everyday care, which is lovely to see. It’s an absolute joy for our team to help this lovely golden oldie to keep mobile.

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Fitzpatrick Referrals is dedicated to the prevention and treatment of orthopaedic, neurological and dental diseases in small animals.