Our surgical technicians are responsible for the critical task of overseeing all of the surgical instruments in the practice, including some of the practice’s most valuable equipment.
They are the team in charge of cleaning, packaging, and sterilising surgical instruments. They are also responsible for properly maintaining this specialist equipment, keeping an inventory, and ensuring surgical equipment is restocked.
Because of the specialist surgeries that some of our patients undergo, our surgeons have developed different methods of doing the same operation which may involve different equipment. Therefore a surgical technician must develop a detailed and in-depth knowledge of each surgeon’s techniques by frequently liaising with them to understand their specific requirements.
Fitzpatrick Referrals searches out those who are genuinely compassionate about animals. They understand that the tools and skills needed for the job can be taught along the way, but to truly care for an animal’s wellbeing is an inbuilt quality.

There is never a dull moment. The in-house training equips you with the tools that would enable you to do any surgical technician job, giving you a well-rounded comprehensive knowledge and skill-set. It is a great way to learn about the surgical process and to pick up detailed and intricate knowledge that is ideal for progressing onto nursing.
Our surgical technicians possess advanced organisational skills to fulfil their role. Fitzpatrick Referrals is a fast-paced environment that involves working within a tight time frame. An acute awareness of scheduled operations is fundamental to pre-plan and remain one step ahead of surgeons at all times to ensure that the appropriate instruments are sterile and ready for surgery.
Surgical technicians have the hands-on role of providing assistance to vets during surgeries by remaining on standby to supply any further equipment required. In order to do this, they are guided and trained in-house for a minimum of six months to fully understand the procedures and to ultimately ensure that our patients receive the best quality care.

The surgical technician role is unique to Fitzpatrick Referrals and was born out of a growing demand for expert care for their constantly expanding inventory of specialist instruments. The surgical technicians carry the huge responsibility of being some of the only personnel who have the authority to handle some of the practice’s most valuable equipment.