Our advanced diagnostic imaging (ADI) department comprises a team of four radiographers who are responsible for running our CT and MRI scanners. Our radiographers have all completed training to degree level in the human diagnostic imaging field and have acquired a wealth of experience across both NHS and private healthcare before making the move to veterinary imaging.
The ADI team is responsible for operating both our 160-slice Toshiba CT and 1.5T Siemens MRI systems and using their skills and knowledge to attain high quality diagnostic images in a timely and efficient manner. The huge variety of patient breeds, sizes and conditions can pose a real challenge in producing the premium images needed for diagnosis but image manipulation and optimisation are things that our team are passionate about and they enjoy adapting technical parameters and scanning techniques to achieve the best possible images for every patient.

The radiographers will always work alongside the prep anaesthesia team as all patients undergoing CT or MRI will need to receive some form of sedation or general anaesthesia to assist them in keeping still for their scan. The ADI team will also interact with the clinicians, discussing patients on a case-by-case basis to ensure all imaging needs are met. This requires excellent communication skills between all teams and a sound understanding of what is required to carry out a thorough scan safely and effectively.

As well as CT and MRI, the radiographers occasionally join the wider prep team in the acquisition of plain film radiographs using our three Foschi digital x-ray units. In addition to their clinical role, the radiographers are also involved in image administration and documentation including audit, archiving and reconstruction while making sure that all governing legislation is being adhered to.