The role of the neurology nurse is to assist the neurology clinicians, residents, and interns in caring for the patients. When our patients arrive at the practice, they have a neurology consultation with the clinical team and a full neurological examination to establish what the problem is and to see if any further diagnostics are needed.
The nurse is present in this consultation, to assist and prepare the patient for any potential procedures that are needed. Once the patient has had the diagnostic procedures, the clinician will determine their diagnosis and make a treatment plan; this may be surgery, medical treatment and, when required, physiotherapy.
The nurse is present to support the patient through these diagnostic procedures and then communicates with the teams within Fitzpatrick Referrals to ensure we are providing the best possible care for our patients.

The neurology nurse is present for the inpatients’ clinical examination each morning and attends rounds with the clinicians to maintain great communication with the nursing team and the best care for the patients.
The nurse gives emotional updates to the patients’ family to update them and support them with any care questions that they may have.