
Doing the ordinary extraordinarily well

Through the dedication and skill of our orthopaedic specialists and extended patient care team, we are able to treat a wide range of small animal clinical conditions every day. This includes routine procedures for developmental elbow disease, cruciate ligament disease, patellar luxation and fracture management, ranging through to the more unique and complex surgeries such as limb salvage procedures and limb deformity […]

Innovative orthopaedic procedures

Alongside our daily caseload of routine orthopaedic procedures, we perform a small number of advanced and custom procedures for dogs and cats where traditional surgical methods may not be appropriate or when the problem is so complex or unusual that only a custom implant can help. By working closely with a team of biomedical engineers, […]

Client Column: Our Bobby by Marc Etheridge

Bobby, our three-year-old Miniature Poodle, had seemed to be struggling to keep up with his playmate, Amy the Toy Poodle, and had started to develop an intermittent limp. Our family vet suspected cruciate ligament problems and took some x-rays. These showed that the poor chap had a problem that meant that his hip would pop in […]

Meet our Interns – Leonor

Fitzpatrick Referrals has a team of 18 interns consisting of veterinary surgeons who devote one year of their working life to improve their understanding of specialist treatment and care in orthopaedics, neurology, oncology, soft tissue surgery and diagnostic imaging. Our interns play a key role within our care team and undertake supervised rotation through their […]

Life as a referral veterinary nurse by Sarah King

As part of Veterinary Nurse Awareness Month this May, we’ve been chatting with a few of our nurses to share how they got into referral nursing, and give an insight into the profession and life at Fitzpatrick Referrals. First up is Senior Veterinary Nurse, Sarah King, who works at Fitzpatrick Referrals Orthopaedic and Neurology centre […]

Fitzpatrick Referrals’ Bionic Heroes

We’re proud to have helped many dogs and cats facing total limb amputation to go on to live happy and adventurous lives on four paws with PerFiTS prostheses. A PerFiTS (Percutaneous Fixation to Skeleton) prosthesis, innovated by Professor Noel Fitzpatrick, is a uniquely designed implant that is packed full of groundbreaking technology. Special coatings allow […]

12 pet cancer questions answered

To mark World Cancer Day, we collected the most commonly asked questions our team receives to shed light on some of the subjects families want to know about when they find out their animal has cancer. 1. How do pets cope with cancer? The most important thing to remember is that your pet does not […]

Meet the Auxiliaries of Fitzpatrick Referrals

Meet the team – Auxiliaries Our team of auxiliaries provide dedicated care to each and every patient admitted to Fitzpatrick Referrals and all work tirelessly to deliver the very best in veterinary care. We are fortunate to have three teams of auxiliaries: ward, prep and surgical . They took time out of their very busy […]