Veterinary nurse holding clipboard and monitoring a dog
Q & A

Q & A with Clinical Nurse Lead Fran

Published 10.10.24

We caught up with Clinical Nurse Lead Fran to delve into the world of veterinary nursing in a referral setting and to share more about her specific role at our referral hospital.

Job title: Clinical Nurse Lead

Team: Nurse management

Joined Fitzpatrick Referrals: 2019

“Watching the people around me do incredible work every day makes me so proud to be a part of this team.”

Registered veterinary nurse Fran

What attracted you to a career in referrals and to apply to Fitzpatrick Referrals specifically?

Fran: I really loved the idea of working in a big team, which is something you can only really experience in referral. It’s like having a family away from home. I also get to work on some very interesting cases that I might otherwise not have.

Did you have any worries about working in referrals? Is it what you expected?

Fran: I was a little apprehensive at first as the nurses around me all seemed so knowledgeable and I was worried I wouldn’t be good enough. But the education and support I received has quickly turned me into one of those nurses that I used to look up to.

Tell us about your current role and what it involves

Fran: My role as Clinical Nurse Lead is very diverse, which is what I love. I get to carry on doing clinical work, such as doing anaesthetics and spending time with the patients.

I also have the other side of my job where I get to work closely with the nurses and VCAs that I line manage on a personal level. I feel really fulfilled when I think I have made a positive difference in an individual’s day-to-day experience at work.

English Springer Spaniel in CT scanner
Clinical Nurse Lead Fran monitoring a patient who is sedated and being prepped for his CT scan.

Tell us three things that you’ve gained since working at Fitzpatrick Referrals?

Fran: I have gained an incredible amount of knowledge in anaesthesia that I didn’t think I would. I have become a much better nurse having worked here and getting the support of our anaesthesia team. I have also improved my leadership skills through the years as my role has changed. I have had lots of support with this, and my confidence as a nurse and as a person has massively improved.

How has your role developed since joining?

Fran: Over the last five years, I have gone from a wards nurse, rotational nurse, prep nurse, senior nurse and now clinical nurse lead. The progression opportunities I have been given have really helped me streamline where I want my career to go.

What makes you proud to work at Fitzpatrick Referrals?

Fran: The people. Watching the people around me do incredible work every day makes me so proud to be a part of this team.

Clinical Nurse Lead Fran with her dog Meggie who had spinal surgery (T12-13 hemilaminectomy) carried out by Neurologist Marc Pérez Soteras.

Any advice you’d like to give to veterinary nurses considering moving into referrals?

Fran: Take the leap! I think you will be surprised at how much it will change your skill set and mindset as a veterinary nurse.

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