Your patients are in excellent hands at Fitzpatrick Referrals, whether for routine or advanced specialist procedures.
Cranial cruciate ligament disease is a common condition we treat using our preferred technique, TPLO.

Extensive experience
The Fitzpatrick Referral team have experience of performing over 6500 TPLO surgeries.
Proven success
This level of experience means that we have very low complication rates. Our surgeons can adapt their surgical techniques to all different patient anatomy types using each other’s experience to work as a team.
Individualised care
All patients receive a comprehensive preoperative assessment which is included in our fixed-price package.
We fully appreciate that all patients are unique, and an individualised patient care plan is essential for their whole journey through our practice.

The perfect plate for all patients
We stock a large range of high-quality implants, meaning that we can find the perfect plate for all our patients. We are also able to custom-make plates where required for unusual cases.
Maximum convenience
We routinely perform surgery the day after or the same day as the initial consultation to minimise the inconvenience for your client (both nights pre/post hospitalisation included in the fixed price cost).
Good availability
We have a fast response time; we appreciate that for your client their family member being lame is often very distressing and we want to help your patients get back to fitness as soon as possible. Most cases can be seen within a week from your initial referral.

24/7 onsite care
We have 24/7 nursing and veterinary care at our hospital with our passionate caring team of highly qualified individuals.
Dedicated veterinary anaesthesia
We have dedicated veterinary anaesthetists with state-of-the-art equipment including the ability to perform ultrasound-guided femoral and sciatic nerve blocks for optimal analgesia.
Holistic approach
Our on-site rehabilitation team will give an initial assessment and a comprehensive discharge appointment with an ACPAT registered physiotherapist all as part of the fixed price cost.

Partners in care
Our surgeons are very approachable and aim to build strong relationships with our referring vets. Throughout the treatment process, we maintain open communication, providing updates on the progress of the surgery and any follow-up care required.
Clear pricing
Fixed costs: Include initial consultation, hospitalisation for 1 night, analgesia, digital radiography, general anaesthesia, surgery and implants, a post-operative ACAPT physiotherapy assessment and discharge plan, and immediate post-operative medications for the initial 2 weeks. All follow-up rehabilitation work will incur normal fees per session.
Pricing *Special offer – 1 Dec 2024 to 30 April 2025*
<25kg £4800 £4500
>25kg £5200 £4500
Terms and conditions: There is a small brachycephalic anaesthesia supplement of £100. Post-operative complications are uncommon, but if they occur, the fixed-price fee will not cover them. Other medications or extended stays in the hospital are also excluded from this service offering.
Here for your clients
Our handy client fact sheet on cruciate ligament disease may be a useful resource to share with your clients whose dog is affected by this condition.
Read more about our orthopaedic service
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