Springer Spaniel Search and Rescue Dog

Client column: Our Bree, by Sara Black

Published 25.07.19

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Our Bree, by Sara Black

Bree is a two year old, very active and loveable Springer Spaniel. She is a Level One Ground Scenting Search and Rescue Dog with London Search & Rescue. She is also training in the Search Dog Heroes Project.

Being such a fast-moving girl, it wasn’t always obvious to me but I was noticing that she limped sometimes on her front right leg. We tried various things with our local vet but she never limped or showed signs of pain when we were there. We then had some x-ray pictures taken, which is how we ended up at Fitzpatrick Referrals.

Throughout the consultation, I had everything explained about what had been found – both elbows had dysplasia, and her right shoulder needed a bit removed and a plate put in. She also had a luxating patella. The thought of my active girl being on lead walks for three months was horrible but it’s not long considering how many more years we hope that she has to live. Surgery would give her the chance to be pain-free, so I left Bree in the capable hands of orthopaedic Senior Surgeon James Guthrie for four days. I received a call daily with her progress which helped to reassure me.

Bree’s recovery seemed slow to me but was on target. I had a couple of panic moments in the first few weeks but my phone calls were answered and my mind put at ease.

I’m pleased to say that Bree has made a full recovery and is back at training – progressing better than ever now her discomfort, that she hid so well, has been removed. I am eternally grateful to James and the team at Fitzpatrick Referrals. It is a joy to watch a Springer having so much fun in life. Even when she’s working, she is having fun. All for the love of a ball!

Read more about our orthopaedics service