We are so excited to be building a game-changing new centre at our Eashing site.
The Fitzpatrick Institute for the Restoration of Skeletal Tissue (FIRST) is dedicated to rebuilding parts of the skeletal system using stem cell technology married with man-made scaffolds. This revolutionary centre will be the very first of its kind for animals where biology and mechanics will come together at the clinical coalface where it’s really needed to forge a better future for our patients.
For the very first time in the UK, we will provide treatment for osteoarthritis with validated evidence-based stem cell and blood-derived autologous treatments. This will create a new standard for the application of regenerative medicine therapeutics where strict protocols are adhered to with regard to quality control, and outcome measures are validated and standardised.
Fitzpatrick Referrals will have an even greater capacity and potential to provide our animal patients and their families with more advanced treatments for their skeletal conditions. This new centre will expand on our existing service where we provide custom implants from the most advanced 3D printing and manufacturing facility for animals in the UK. We will now combine this technology with biological enhancement using stem cells to optimise surgical outcome for every patient.
We are already using this incredible technology to enrich the lives of our patients in our existing orthopaedic centre, and this extension of our services will ensure we are able to continue to provide the very best level of care available in the world today. The centre will also be part of a new vista of One Medicine where animal and human regenerative technologies move forward in tandem.