
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Health Seminar

Published 22.09.14

We are proud to be hosting The Companion Cavalier Club Annual Health Seminar this year at the practice conference centre:

Health Seminar – Sunday 19th October 2014


  • 10.00 – 10.30 a.m Registration & Coffee
  • 10.30 – 11.30 a.m Dr Clare Rusbridge – CM/SM Overview, Research, Current Treatment
  • 11.30 – 12.00 p.m Questions
  • 12.00  – 1.00 p.m Lucy Montague – First Aid for Dogs
  • 1.00 – 2.00 p.m Buffet Lunch
  • 2.00   – 3.00 p.m Dr Penny Watson – Pancreatitis in Cavaliers, Overview, Symptoms, Treatment, Research
  • 3.00  – 3.30 p.m Questions
  • 3.30 –   4.00 p.m Raffle – Optional Tour of Fitzpatrick Referral Centre

£10 for Companion Cavalier Club Members
£15 for non Club Members
Includes refreshments and Buffet Lunch

For more details and application form please email[email protected]