
A true champions’ tale!

Published 10.06.13

Della was rescued by her owners when she was just 11 months old, her start in life had been undeservedly tough. It was obvious glancing at her thin body she had been treated badly, her skin and coat were in a terrible situation and she was suffering with a phantom pregnancy. Despite all her hardship Della was a loving, friendly dog who feasted on the love and attention showered on her by her new owners. Della’s agility career started when she was 15 months old and it is safe to say she took to it like a duck to water. During her first year of competition she progressed to senior level, an amazing achievement in itself. At the age of 4 she progressed to Grade 7 – the top level of competition.

Sadly Della’s top-flight agility career was dashed when she developed an acute lameness during a warm up session.

Read more about Della’s journey to recovery!