
Former patient saves the life of semi-conscious diabetic walker

Published 11.06.12

You may remember a few months ago we brought you the story of Winston, one of our former patients who had travelled all the way from Budapest to Fitzpatrick Referrals for treatment for hip dysplasia.  He had been diagnosed with the condition when he was a young dog and his owners made the decision, with his primary care vet, to refer him to Fitzpatrick Referrals.  Winston received two hip replacements in 2011 and returned to Budpest to live fully and healthy pain free life this year.

We receive regular photos and updates from Amanda, Winston’s owner and footage from his YouTube site and last week received the news that Winston had rounded off a recent holiday with a particularly heroic act.  

Winston and his owner had been out on a walk when he ran ahead and started barking for Amanda to follow.  He led her to a semi-conscious man who had started to slip into a diabetic coma.  The man was with his wife and three small children but as they were Italian and spoke no Hungarian, they had been unable to summon any help and his condition was worsening.  Amanda’s friend Paul managed to establish where the group was located from the GPS co-ordinates and the patient was airlifted to hospital where he made a full recovery, thanks to Winston for raising the alarm.

Well done Winston – you are a true hero in every way!