
Former spinal patient gearing up to make reappearance at this year’s Crufts!

Published 07.02.12

Fitzpatrick Referrals was delighted to receive the news this week that one of our former spinal patients has not only gone on to make an amazing recovery following surgery last year, but will be compete in the Dog Obedience Championships at Crufts in March.

Indy Lessemun, known in the obedience world as CH Rockin Indy-Go OW Cex, was brought to Fitzpatrick Referrals in July last year when he had turned suddenly to fetch a ball and become instantly unstable on all four limbs.

Emergency surgery was performed after an MRI scan revealed multiple areas of disc disease and loss of blood to the spinal cord.  Indy responded well to surgery and embarked upon a rehabilitation programme which after a month saw Indy walking completely unaided.

Prior to surgery, Indy was a well known champion in the obedience circuit.  His owner, Claire Porter, began training Indy for competitive obedience at eight weeks old.  She began competing at Open Obedience Shows with Indy when he was seven months old and he won his first Novice class aged just eight months.

He quickly worked his way through the classes. Obedience competitions start in Novice class.  If you win two or more, you move up to Class ‘A’.  If you win three or more, you move up to Class ‘B’ where if you win three or more, you then move up to Class C where you have to win once, and get placed not lower than 3rd on three separate occasions.  When you have done this, you are then what is known as ‘Qualified for Ticket’.

‘Ticket’ is short for Championship C – the top class. Indy was qualified to work ‘Ticket’ at 16 months, which is practically unheard of.

In 2006 Indy was chosen to compete in the Inter-Regionals competition at Crufts and worked Class C in the event.  In 2007 Indy won his first ‘Ticket’ – his passport to the main Championships at Crufts the following year.

Indy has since qualified for Crufts Championships every year. He has won seven tickets – if you win three you become ‘Obedience Champion’ – so Indy has doubled that!

In 2011 Indy managed to get a 5th place at Crufts and this year, after his amazing recovery, he will compete in the Dog Obedience Championships at Crufts on Friday 9 March.