Registered Veterinary Nurse cuddling a brown cocker spaniel puppy

Q & A with RVN Josh

Published 31.05.23

During the month of May, the veterinary community celebrates Veterinary Nursing Awareness Month (VNAM).

Registered Veterinary Nurse (RVN) Josh answered our Q & A to share his pathway to nursing and give an insight into the various aspects of his role at Fitzpatrick Referrals. We hope our blog series inspires and empowers the next generation of veterinary nurses to pursue their dreams.

Josh Buck (circle) 705x705 web

Josh Buck

TEAMS: Wards/Floor coordinator/chemotherapy

JOB TITLE: Registered Veterinary Nurse

JOINED FITZPATRICK REFERRALS: 2018 (as a student) 2019 (fully qualified)

What attracted you to a career in veterinary nursing?

I have always loved animals and knew I wanted to pursue a career in working with them. Initially, I wanted to become a veterinary surgeon but after completing my year 10 work experience at a primary care practice, changed my mind and decided I preferred the idea of nursing instead.

What was your education pathway into veterinary nursing?

After completing my GCSEs, I completed a diploma in applied sciences at Reigate College, and applied to join a veterinary nursing course at university. I completed three years studying at Nottingham Trent University (with a year placement at Fitzpatrick Referrals) and graduated in 2019 with BSc (Hons) Veterinary Nursing Science.

Tell us about your current RVN role and what it involves

I currently work within both the prep and ward departments of the practice. My main role is as a wards nurse, providing post-operative nursing care to all our inpatients, alongside a hugely talented and caring team of nurses and veterinary care assistants. My role involves administering medications, monitoring pain levels, discharging patients, monitoring patient progress and reporting back to the clinicians.

As a floor coordinator, I coordinate cases to ensure there are staff allocated to each patient, each case is started and in theatre on time, and theatres and x-ray rooms are available when required.

I am also part of the chemotherapy team, where I admit patients, calculate doses and administer the chemotherapy and discharge the patients after.

Registered Veterinary Nurses Josh and Amber giving pre-operative pain relief to Chihuahua patient Bentley at Fitzpatrick Referrals.

What’s the best part of your job?

The best part of my job is working with an incredible team of vets, nurses, veterinary care assistants, radiographers, physio and hydro therapists, and receptionists to provide the best possible care to all the animals that are brought in to us. I also enjoy seeing the patients go home after their surgery and getting to see them again after a few weeks of recovery feeling a lot better.

Do you have any memorable patients or moments you’d like to share?

My most memorable patient/moment was adopting my cat Mango, who was a patient of ours as a four-month-old kitten. I was lucky enough to be able to adopt him when his previous family could no longer care for him. He both blesses and terrorises my life on a daily basis but I wouldn’t change him for anything.

Registered Veterinary Nurse Josh with his adopted cat Mango, who was originally one of our patients.

Why did you choose to work in referrals and what do you particularly like about the referrals side of veterinary nursing?

I enjoy the range of patients and procedures we see on a daily basis, all of which need varying levels of care. I got the chance to complete my final year of training here and enjoyed referral nursing so much that I decided to stay on after I qualified. I enjoy being part of a large team all working towards the same goal.

What learning opportunities have you experienced and how has your role developed since joining Fitzpatrick Referrals?

I recently completed the Vets Now Small Animal Emergency and Critical Care nursing course, funded by the practice, and now hold the Cert VN ECC title. Since completing my course, I’ve had opportunities to put the things I’ve learnt into practice in some of our more critically ill patients.

What makes you proud to work at Fitzpatrick Referrals?

I am proud to be part of a team that offers and provides the best possible care to all the animals that are referred here.

Any advice you’d like to give to aspiring veterinary nurses?

My advice would be to work hard and take every opportunity you are given to learn and progress your skills.

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